Friday 16 September 2016


lets talk about abuse;

Abuse is such a big word that we just can't limit it by defining it. But then again to pin it all up lets say for the sake of discussion that it is un-permitted touch, action or even gaze. it is not even about the one who abuses, it is mainly about the one who is being abused. because abuser is not the one getting effected mentally or physically, the one being dragged into all this un-invitingly is the one being abused who is loosing at the end of the day. one of the main reasons of child abuses' continuously growing rate is that the abused doesn't speak out a word out of fear or trauma. we need to make these kind of issues an important topic of our discussions so that people may understand that these things are to be told so the people who really cares help you out of this and secure you from the monstrous being.

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