Monday, 3 October 2016


Love is never about molding others and only loving the already lovely features of others but it is about dealing and living with imperfections that maybe darker than their skin color, their bright faces and their words. Love is never about picking up all the good traits and leaving the bad right there, no it isn’t love, it is as if you pick and shop various stuff from market, leaving the already open, messed up things on the rack. Humans are not things, Humans breath, they live, they have a pumping heart, that sometimes ache because of your false pickings, your unreal expectations. You shouldn’t just scatter your wants all over the place while not even bothering a single thing about the other one. It isn’t love, it is called being satisfied with yourself and being overly self-obsessed while knowing you have someone who is less adorable, less smart, just less something from you. You satisfy your superiority need that’s all you’re doing, it isn’t love, It isn’t


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