Tuesday, 30 May 2017


                               Have you ever walked through the path, known path, silently, holding every ounce of breath within your pounding chest, but why are you afraid and of what?
Silently, shamefully putting your head down, you walk by the glaring eyes staring right into your soul, you’re cold yet you move yourself, you’re afraid you’ll freeze to death if you stayed
What are those eyes seeking? Are you worthy of giving them what they seek?
Maybe you know you are, yet cloaking your worthy nakedness into the blanket of ignorance you walk.
It’s pounding crazy, you’re wondering if you were there in their feet. You’re stone cold, trying hard to think of something pleasant
Yet you grieve inside, your soul moans and curse, you see yet you don’t observe, you hear yet you don’t understand
They’re tired, at your doorstep they bleed, you know its wounds from someone cruel, yet how are you not another cruel soul if you’re not letting them in?
They call out to you, you don’t reach, they’re being slaughtered yet you don’t speak
Wake up before you’re in their feet, bleeding to death at someone else’s arete

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