‘The old times were better’
You ask me If I agree
Taking me back to times?
I’d say that with the very assured smile
Oh! How much I’d love an old romance
But how far back can we travel in time?
The people that surround us
And the the air that ground us; all alien
The world has spun way too many times
The people long dead, only to know how much has time flied
We have a reality, to us there’s a society
The garden you see, I see
Yet we just gotta be
I look you in the eye
I see that’s us dancing like candle light
I laugh at things
You remind me of places I’ve been
The curtains down, hide more than they dare to show
I feel I have a say and that’s not just me, its you too who make it that way
We could be two kids finding our ways
We’re friends? Maybe too soon to say.