Wednesday, 6 July 2022

the veil


It has been here all along

A thread, waiting to be touched

A door always opened

Yet never entered

I passed through it so many times

Blind, mute and with a chattering mind

The veil, I am able to get off

Once in a while

This is it, I have it all

The hurdle, the cure

The magic, the sure

Certain is my uncertainty

Uncertain of my sanity

I put a see saw under my feet

I get some snacks and take a seat

Then comes in the veil

Sometimes stumble, with a gait

Caressing fingers coming for me

Oh look! Its just me

The strength, the love, some basic things

I have always been capable of all of this

Monday, 9 May 2022



This is not the moment for the acknowledgement of terror

Its time to paint my face, body and soul

Push hard, soul might turn on again

Been flashing on and off all this while 

All maps in the bin 

White paper ahead and a pen right beside it

Is ink yours or borrowed? 

Did you nod again but to a new master?

Where are your weights? 

Oh they never returned them? 

Do you think these arches on your palm were carved?

And they are not your makings? 

You gave the brush away?

Now you use any that appraoches your hand? 

That pencil you sharpened but forgot to use? 

Do you not need glasses to see? 

Where did you buy your vision from?

Sunday, 24 April 2022



I hear it coming

My dead heart just beat again

A blood clot growing in womb

Time tik-toking away

Its that time again

Hello my friend

I am tired of my life again

Shine wore off of the world so new

This game design ain’t same for few

Someone calls it running to the past

Some say stick a bit around

Some suggest to let the days go by

The inner voice desires of creeping back

To the world of known

To the world of friends

To the predictable words

To the same old expectation of no change

Where miracles happen

Where soul wins

Where God resides

Where you decide

O! Lost madman listen to your heart 

Tuesday, 4 January 2022



Poster i stare at

'Who are you?'

Repeated inquiry

I search it out

Like always, I’m tired a mile after

Inside, a sea touching the shore

Not ever taking it with it

I wrap my arms around me

My mind could use double batteries

A quest that has no destination

The burden of truth of self

Not one, not two, I’m with all

When they turn blue

Everyone’s collecting clues

The courage, unintended,

Unearned magic

Examine it all

I’m blind less yet static

Saturday, 1 January 2022

Sweet home


You build a home for me

There I'm never a guest

We both reside within

You treat me unlike rest

I weave your heart with love

Your companionship I preserve

You sow seeds in my heart

I tangle in you while we mark

I gather woods to keep us warm

I bake cookies with you in the night storms

You smile to me in snow

When you make my eyes glow

You shelter me in the nights

The days that follow the bright skies

I breathe around you honey

I’m right beside you, don’t you worry

My reflection gets unblurry

That’s how you do me honey

I look at you in awe

Our moments are countless stalls

You stroll with me through bright,

Through bad and dark sights

You hold my hands in yours

Our lips exchange our literal souls

You draw me close to you 

All my thumping goes for you

My heart is beating for your love

Do you hear it honey bum?