Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Talk about me


Let’s talk about me

I could be anything I want to be

Voices lost, coming right back at my sanity

Losing you, losing everything I have ever held closely

Deep ditch, I am wallowing

Build a rope, I am out again

I fall for different monsters each time

I laugh that’s a sign I out grow them all the time

Woman, mentor and everything

I am comfortable in my own skin

You couldn’t bother to stay a bit

Turned foul like I have pressed a pin

Baby, let’s talk about how I have been

Doing better or still the same?

This girl keep walking that’s the aim

Remember when you said, keep moving on

I stuck by it,  I went on and on

Let’s talk about entitlement

Since that’s all the worth I am

I am a warrior, I am a woman unstoppable

You thought you could hold me down?

Bitch please, first stand your ground

Don’t say you love someone

When all you do Is fuck them up

Leave them be

When you know to them, you’re everything 

Grow a beard, grow a heart 

Maybe grow some balls you need

Cuz you ain't what you said to me

Saturday, 16 October 2021

Too far


You have gone a little too far

Time tells me you meant a lot

The months so countable

Feel like years have passed

My partner, my baby, my shinning star

Never thought last memory of us

Would be too much to grasp

I let you down

By going way too far

You quit, is the news still on

I carry them pieces 

I carry you on

You may have left, you maybe gone

But baby you live until I live on

My life’s a short journey

I wish it was me who stumbled out firstly

But breathes are counted

Your love, a bounty



I am the creator

With my crayon

I draw and it be

Them lines blur out bleak

I forget how brave I can be

I forget the power that’s surreal

I create, I destruct

Foolish of me to not get struck

With the love I offer

With the love I hold

With the pot a little empty

With the pot lacking identity

I break, I mend

I hate it when I blend

I choose, I caress 

Why then I suppress?

Hold onto me

I whisper to myself

Create, until the crayon becomes self

Monday, 4 October 2021

Choose love


Never got it when they fought

Their love wasn’t even the last thing they thought

Being little, I thought love could save relations

I believed it could provide places

To the people departing out of gazes

Little by little, I see the bigger picture

Not ego, not anger, not unsolvable stances

Love gets chosen after all

Love for the responsibility of ones own self

Everyone is trying to take care of their fragile selves

It’s the choice made, the gulp of poison taken

It’s the chances jumped into, it’s the very soul directing each through.